A well-known but relatively small House dedicated to preservation, keeping the peace, etc. Some see us as the guardian angels of the sky. Others as meddlers imposing our will.

House Values

  1. We preserve
  2. We will always remain human
  3. The past never lies
  4. We always honor our word

Others in our Galaxy

Episode Archivist: Lepus

Characters and Values

* Jachro (CATALOGER)

Player: Sora

A fuzzy lizard fellow with an obsession for making neat taxonomies.


* Eikran (GADGETEER)

Player: Elandra

A snow-white shaggy-furred wolf of a thing with a love for tinkering and devices



Player: Kandra

An elven woman with golden eyes and silver lines and circles on her skin with a somewhat cynical attitude on people and civilizations


* Alectrya (DOCTOR)

Player: BunnyHugger

A doctor of neurology with a strong streak of compassion. Mostly human appearing but with some spots with feathers where her hair would be, particularly on her head which sports iridescent plumage


Scene List

Each scene revolves a question that advances the next thing we learn about the plot or the characters.

Each scene has a narrator who sets the scene, says which characters are in it and what they're doing and picks the question. Anyone can contribute details to the scene, ask a question and draw from the trove, and call Cut! when they think the question has been answered (or at least thoroughly explored).

At the end of each scene, players take turns reflecting on it briefly in the form of saying what they wonder about or describing what their character is feeling. This may seed questions for further scenes.


Narrator: Lepus

Characters: All

Scene: After a long cryo sleep and a brief thaw along with each of your personal, favorite post-fugue beverage, you gather together in the ship's map room, the biggest room in the vessel located at the very top of your hull. It's a cavernous and dark space, a 3D map of surroundng space. You stand suspended in darkness amidst lonely grains of sand sparkling with vast distances between them. Logarithmic in its rendering, you're always in the center, but each step you take zooms in impossible strides, magnifying in on new stars and planets.


( Era silently flags another star on the chart -- a gas giant, red and old and dim.  It is a hundred and two light-years distant.  "I'd been communicating with an old colleague who studies history these days," she says with quiet lack of affect.  Her attention isn't all here; vestiges of a strange dream trouble her.  "He'd been trying to locate traces in early records of when and where some developments significant to our modern implementation of cryosleep first appeared.  He says he's found scattered references to this system that intrigue and confuse him." )
The planet flagged by Era's colleague is a gas giant orbiting a red dwarf, one that likely has existed since near the creation of the universe.


Chosen because of interest for cryo tech (Eikran) Alectrya privately always favors destinations with the possibility of adding to her knowledge of the life sciences. And she has been getting some odd reports of cryosleep disturbance Jachro is eager to help Era in her task, especially since it may help categorize cryosleep technology better.


Narrator: Sora

Characters: Era and Alectrya

Scene: Era and Alectrya are in hibernation chamber 2, where their pods wait to be reset for the upcoming journey. As each pod is unique to the occupant and there is a two-person rule when working around the equipment, both must be in the room doing the prep work. As expected, there are contol panels, some valves, chemicals to be checked, fluid lines to be replaced, and fabrics to be prepped. We know we're going to a place potentially with civilization, and there's always that possibility our sensors are wrong, especially with the gas giant. There might be life there. What will these two do if they find an advanced, living civilization that needs help staying afloat? That might be on the tip of their tongues as they work....

Answer: Whether or not people in cryo sleep have experiences... or even count as human people.

Other discoveries: