
Command Information










 go <exit> 


Move in a particular direction or through a specific exit.


To go from one room to another via a specific exit:

To do the same as above with the alternate syntax:




Example 1

If Alkani wanted to leave a room called The Main Foyer toward a room named Southward Stairwell through an exit named [S]outhward Stairwell, he could type:

Alkani could have also typed the indicated shorthand command:

In general, if everything was properly constructed, Alkani would likely see:

Alkani would then be shown the description for the Southward Stairwell.

Anyone else in the source room, The Main Foyer, would see the following:

Anyone in the Southward Stairwell would see the following:

Example 2

If Jaxen wanted to user the alternate syntax to leave a room called The Menagerie toward a room named County Fairgrounds through an exit named Go [O]utside, she could type:

Jaxen could have also used the indicated shorthand command:

In general, if everything was properly constructed, Jaxen would likely see:

Jaxen would then be shown the description for the Southward Stairwell.

Anyone else in the source room, The Menagerie, would see the following:

Anyone in the Southward Stairwell would see the following:


On the SpinDizzy MUCK, room exits on the main map are often named after a principal or secondary dimension.

It is general convention to provide shorthand methods for accessing or indicating an exit. Shorter labels are generally indicated by parenthesis, brackets, braces, or any other separation indicator.

A special direction called home can be used with the go command to send a player to their designated home room.

Movement - Moving around

Exits - Information on Exits

Messages - Working With Messages

Flags - Information on Object Flags

Properties - Information on Object Properties

Rooms - Information on Room objects

Locks - Information about Object Locks

Parent Topic

List of SpinDizzy MUCK System Built-In and Local Commands

CategoryBuiltincmd CategoryBasiccmd

Commands/BuiltIn/go (last edited 2017-10-21 11:11:17 by Alkani)