Editplayer - The One Stop Character Setup

As you might have noticed, there are a lot of things you can set on yourself. While none of them are mandatory, several are useful. All of these can be managed with a single command, 'editplayer'. This command lets you edit multiple segments of your character information quickly, but is slightly harder to use.

When you first input 'editplayer' you will be faced with a menu that lists character properties, and numbers next to them. To modify that property, type the number, and the program will tell you how to alter it. After each change, you will be returned to the menu, which you can use "Q" to leave. While inside the menu, you may not be able to do things like "say" or "pose", depending on what you are editing at that time.

Here is a list of what the entries are for.

  1. Name - This cannot be changed in editplayer, but CAN be changed with another command, [@name]!
  2. Description - This sets your description, just like @desc. Unlike @desc however, there are additional settings you can use. When first setting a description, you may be asked if you want to use MPI. This is basically asking if you want to be able to use multi-paragraph descriptions with additional commands or not.
    If using MPI, You will be locked into a text editor. Anything you type will be added to your description when done, and by default it will start at the end of whatever you already have there. Use '.del #-#' to remove specific lines from the description. If you are rewriting your description or have made errors, in some cases it may be easier to start with a '.del 1-100' to clear what's there already to prevent accidental doubling up. When done, use '.end' to finish up and save the contents of your description. It will show the new description when you return to the editplayer menu.

  3. Gender - This lets you change your displayed gender.Technically, you can set this to anything you like, but the following options are automatically understood by the system:
    'unassigned' 'male' 'female' 'neuter' 'hermaphrodite' and 'herm'
    Spindizzy also offers the option to set one's Pronouns to whatever you may want them to be. By default, these are set based on the settings under 'sex' above, but can be modified individually or even changed entirely if you so desire. This however requires specific editing of your character information and may need additional work. At present, instructions are available in "+read 14".

  4. Species - Lets you designate what kind of critter you are.
  5. Throwing - A very rarely used property. Sometimes, items can be 'thrown', directed into other rooms. As far as I know, Spindizzy does not use this.
  6. Your home - You can use this to set up the room designated as your "Home", which is the room you will return to when you use the 'home' command of if you are swept. By default this will be the newcomer's island, but it can be set to any room that is either "Linkable" or owned by you.
  7. This setting determines whether or not you wish to permit someone else to give you items.
  8. Flying - Certain rooms cannot be accessed unless you can 'fly'. This setting lets you alter that property. Used primarily for room access and some RP purposes.
  9. Smell - Used just for flavor. Do you wear aftershave or have a scent? You can note it here. This is a default property in editplayer and does not need to be used.
  10. Taste - Used just for flavor. This is a default property in editplayer and does not need to be used.
  11. Feel- Same as above, used for flavor. This is a default property in editplayer and does nto need to be used. Might also be considered kinda wierd.
  12. You Say - Lets you alter the message you see when you 'say' things.
  13. Others see - Lets you alter what others see when you say things. by default it's usually "Your name says, "Gabba Gabba Hey!" But you can make it so you meow, squeak, beatbox or do anything else!
  14. Sweep Messages - This lets you alter the messages seen when you either use the 'sweep' command, which is used to remove sleeping (Disconnected) players from a room, (Default has you taking out a large fuzzy broom and sweeping them away) or the message that is seen when someone sweeps you.

Editplayer (last edited 2022-12-26 08:57:42 by Mako)