
This page describes the functionality for the Built-In  look  command. For more information on how the extended look functionality works, look at the global look command.

Command Information











 look <object> 


Look at the description for an object.


To look at the description for the current room you are in:

To look at the description for a specific object, including rooms, players, things, exits, actions, programs, and any other objects:




Example 1

If a player named Morticon wanted to see what the current room looked like, they would type the following:

Example 2

If a player named Alkani wanted to look at Jaxen's new outfit, he would type the following:

Example 3

If a player named Lepus wanted to see what an object named Crate looked like, he would type the following:

Example 4

If a player named Jaxen wanted to look at the description for an exit labeled "This Way to Grandmother's House", she would type the following:

Example 5

If a player named Jaxen traveled through the exit she just looked at and wanted to look at the description for where she ended up using the alternate syntax, she would type the following:

Example 6

If a player named Alkani wanted to look at an object called "The Book of Tea and SPAM" using the alternate syntax, he would type the following:


Looking at a Room will trigger any programs set on the room's success or failure properties. Additionally, programs nested in a description will be called and/or evaluated based on a success or failure or by looking at the room itself.

Messages - Working With Messages

Properties - Information on Object Properties

Parent Topic

List of SpinDizzy MUCK System Built-In and Local Commands

CategoryBuiltincmd CategoryBasiccmd