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Command Information












 @create <object-name> 


Create a new object.


To create a new object:

To create a new object and specify the object's cost:

To create a new object and specify the object's registry name:






Example 1

If Alkani wanted to create an object named "Jar of Ocelot Treats," he would type the following:

Alkani would see:

Example 2

If Morticon wanted to create an object named Leather Bandolier, paying one-hundred (100) currency units, they would type the following:

Morticon would see:

Example 3

If Jaxen wanted to create an object named Technical Reference Manual and assign it to the alias "trm," they would type the following:

Jaxen would see:

Example 4

If Lepus wanted to create an object named Vial of Pure Mithril, paying five hundred (500) currency units and assigning it to an alias of "pm" they would type the following:

Lepus would see:


By default, the cost of creating an object is ten (10) currency units. As a result, the default value of any created object is one (1) currency unit.

Players may specify the value of an object by specifying the cost. Based on the code, the formula for determine the value based on the cost is:


Objects - Information about Objects

Currency - Information about Currency

Belongings - Information about Character Belongings

Give - Give currency to a player or value to an object

Parent Topic

List of SpinDizzy MUCK System Built-In and Local Commands

CategoryBuiltincmd CategoryBuildingcmd