
Command Information










 examine <object> 

 examine <object>=<pattern> 


Examine the properties of an object.


To examine the properties of the current room:

To examine key data of an object:

To examine object properties matching a specified pattern:





Example 1

If Jaxen is standing in a room she doesn't own named Taproom and she wanted to view the vital object data for it, she would type:

Jaxen would see:

Example 2

If Alkani is standing in a room he owns named Taproom and he wanted to view the vital object data for it, he would type:

Alkani would see:

Example 3

If Lepus wanted to view the vital object data for an object he owned named Holographic Projector, he would type the following:

Lepus would see:

Example 4

If Morticon wanted to view all of the base properties for an object called Automation Controller, they would type the following:

Morticon would see:

Example 5

If Jaxen wanted a complete view of all properties for an object called Vinyl Album, she would type the following:

Jaxen would see:

Example 6

If Alkani had a specialized object named Disk Performance Monitor and wanted to view all of the disk serial numbers (SerNo), he would type:

Alkani would see:

Example 7

If Alkani had a specialized object named Disk Performance Monitor and wanted to view write performance entries (WritesPS and WritesIO) for disk drive modules (ddm) 16, 26, and 36, he would type:

Alkani would see:


The  examine  command is capable of examining the vital object data and properties of objects. A player may only get details on objects they own or control. Wizards may obtain this information for any object which exists in the SpinDizzy MUCK System.

Calling  examine  by itself defaults to using the player's current location of the object. This is the same as calling  examine here  manually to view the vital object data.

If the optional  <pattern>  parameter is supplied, object properties are displayed according to the specified parameters. The filter may include specific strings, the wildcard indicator *, and/or the greedy wildcard indicator **, as in the examples above.

Properties - Information about Object Properties

lsprop - List Object Properties

Parent Topic

List of SpinDizzy MUCK System Built-In and Local Commands

CategoryBuiltincmd CategoryBasiccmd