An "object" in the context of SpinDizzy represents a noun of some sort (a person, place, or thing). It has a "physical" existence on the server, with a location and an entry in the database, and often the database ID gets displayed alongside the object name. This contrasts to Fake objects which exist only as properties in a real object.

In commands that take an object name, me and here work for referring to yourself or to the location you're in, respectively. An object can also be referred to by name, or by database number if you know it.

Creating an object

@create OBJECT - creates a new object with a given name, and places it in your inventory. After that happens, you may use @desc OBJECT=DESCRIPTION to give it a description.

An object has a "home" location, which can be set with @link OBJECT=LOCATION. It is important that an object's home be set to the location it is meant to be in, as some commands will send it off to that location. home for example will also move all of the items in your inventory into their own homes, so if they're not @link'd to you, they will disappear.

Taking ownership of an object

@claim object takes ownership of an object that has been given to you. It changes its owner to you, and sets its home to your inventory.


An object has a location, which may be a room of some sort, a person (if the object is in their inventory), or an object in a room (such as a chest or drawers). Even rooms have locations, and usually inherit properties from their parents. For example, the default location for newly created @dig'd rooms is set to display weather messages.

get OBJECT - puts an object into your own inventory.

drop OBJECT - deposits an object from your inventory into the room.

hand OBJECT to PLAYER - gives an object to another person in the same room.

throw OBJECT to PLAYER - gives an object to another person in a different room.

put OBJECT in OBJECT - puts an object into another object's inventory.

fetch OBJECT from OBJECT - takes an object out of another object's inventory.

@tel OBJECT = LOCATION - moves an object from one location to another. For example, @tel here = #15318 moves the current room to a parent that does not display weather messages.


Objects contain properties. These can store information that can be retrieved, such as a person's species, or they can alter how a command behaves.

@set OBJECT=PROPERTY:VALUE - sets a property on an object.

@set OBJECT=PROPERTY: - removes a property from an object.

ex OBJECT=/ - displays all properties on an object. Note that properties have a file system-like structure, and if a given property in the list is a dir it is a directory and you can give a longer path to ex to look inside it.

Deleting an object

You can "recycle" and object with @recycle OBJECT. If you want to prevent an object from being recycled on accident, you can set the object's _recproof property to "yes".

Objects (last edited 2017-09-18 18:32:18 by NovaSquirrel)